Healing Perspectives: Thok


This is the one fight where the big baddie we fight actually seems both to me – big and bad. If there was one fight I saved my all caps “OH MAH GAWD” moments for, this would be it. Just saying – having a ridiculously huge dinosaur come charging at you is a legit… and I mean legit reason to panic.

Not that I panicked. Not once. Nope. Ok… maybe twice. No, really.


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Being Horde


It’s a been around three months since I started raiding hordeside and that’s around enough time for me to consider bringing up my army of alts there. (I am still a gnome at heart ofcourse, and I always poke my raid team about going back to the alliance but hey, that’s not what this post is about.)

I’ve rolled numerous horde alts in the past – often inspired by the Warcraft cinematics I watched. In fact my very first horde toon, an undead warlock, was inspired by the badass murloc-burning guy you see up there. I’m the sort of the player who likes to relate a little bit to my characters – even if they’re only being rolled for something like profession purposes. And so I was quite surprised that when I tried to roll my alts this time around, I found myself somehow unable to play a majority of the horde races. What had changed?

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