Resto Druid Mage Tower Complete!!


The best things often happen unplanned. This morning, I logged on just for fun and decided to give the Mage Tower a go over my morning coffee.


I made it to the last stage which wasn’t too bad but at some point I realised, this was going to happen! We were alive…and we were killing him!! I will not lie – my hands started shaking a bit, but it was a good clean finish. All those attempts and practice paid off!!

Here’s a closer look at this beauty!


Despite the frustrations that came with this challenge, I’m happy I managed to get it completed. And it’s because of those frustrations that it feels like something well-earned. I never did have a Benediction equivalent for my druid (closest was the swift flight form quest line?) – and now it feels kinda close.


I tip my hat to Blizzard for making challenging solo content for us playing who still like the mountain climb but don’t raid Mythics or whatnot anymore. It was fun, it was hard and it was a great feeling when I finally reached the top of the mountain!

If you’re working on the Mage Tower challenge, fear not – don’t be discouraged by the sheer number of attempts. Mine took way more than 40 and that’s all I can say because I frankly lost count. I’ve updated my guide to include tips from my recent success as well as extra resources so check it out here!

Until then happy healing!

Mage Tower Notes: Resto Druid Style


So I finally got interested in the Mage Tower in the last two months. I know I know…late to the party. But in my defence, I didn’t even know about it until then. When I heard the appearances were going away, the resto druid one was the only one I was super excited. (Yes I already got the Discipline one but I wasn’t even excited about it. The whole thing was very meh).

If you’ve been following my rants on twitter, then you know that I have yet to be successful this time around. But I did make progress and make it consistently to the last two phases! There’s hope.

Regardless, I decided to write down my notes and thoughts for next time’s attempts and will update when I do actually finish the challenge. 🙂 And yes, I am considering maining a druid for BfA – but that’s a different post.

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